Is it possible to get visa without proof of income/payslips?

I had an offer letter from MIT but I had been working at a low salary and also got salary by hand and no IRD no other proof other than experience certificate. Is it possible to get a visa with this?

Ans. I hope you are working with us at AJV because we can analyze everything and tell you if you have worked for a low salary and you work for cash meaning you've got the salary in hand there are still ways and means of proving that you genuinely work for these people and a good agency will be able to explain that to you did the actual work but you know there is unfortunately no proof or for the salary being paid into a bank account and I'm thinking there are also no income tax you know records as well so we are quite happy to take a look at your case and our visa service team is very solid we have people who have worked in the industry for a very long time and there is also some people who worked up for government so we should be able to help you so my recommendation to you is that connect with our team and we will take a look at what proof you have to show you all that you are working for this company and I think if it was a genuine case where you were paying their cash which happens all the time in India we should be able to get you your visa not a problem.

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