Masters in Textile in NZ. in  textile technology is there any masters in New Zealand related to textiles and what are the scope of textile there?

Ans. The options are we seem to have some definitely, we have some
diploma courses in textiles and then there is and interestingly there is a
master of design from an AUT University which is a very good
university and this master of design has also got seems to have a strand in textiles so yeah so I'm glad I was able to find something to answer you
something but very good question so but I'm thinking that yours is more
technical and not so much on the design side of it so but I did find a master so it says it's a master of design with our strand and textiles and then there seem to be quite a few diploma level courses in the related to textile so I think we will require some time there is a national certificate in textiles manufacture fiber blending with strands and woolen processing and semi-worsted in worsted processing so there seem to be some textile related courses and please bear in mind that New Zealand is one of the largest producers of wool in the world we have the very famous New Zealand sheep which give out that beautiful world called merino wool so and which obviously is moving and made into textiles and which is exported so I believe we would definitely have
something to offer you someday but thank you so much for stumping me today and asking me a question to which I couldn't come out with our, you know comprehensive answer like I said you know that's the other thing is we will not give you uninformed information or uninformed knowledge on this country we are very sure about it so what I would request you today is to give us a little time I will ask my team together do a little bit of research perhaps that master of design from AUT University with a strand in textile might be something that already complements your Bachelor of Technology in textile but allow us a little time go and come back you bought it in the meantime if you are not in touch with our team already I strongly recommend I'm assuming you're based in India from your name if you're based in India please call 1800 103 6525 which is our toll-free number excuse me and we will connect with you if you are not based in India please and we'll come back here.
