Best way to get jobs in New Zealand?

As a student, we get 20 hours a week to work please advice the best way to get a job in New Zealand?

Ans. The best way to get a job is to be patient and persistent and apply at the right places and for our own AJV students we are conducting we I get on the phone and give them some personal tips today in the fact I was speaking to a lady who is a KIWI lady and she has set up a new company which is helping people to find jobs so I was in our discussion with her to see if we can how we can collaborate so that our AJV students and our AJV clients can get support in employment as well so we are doing a lot of things for our students we share for instance we share formats of CVS that are useful in New Zealand we share in formats of cover letters we are networking them to a lot of our existing students and clients and we are also giving them a lot of fun we're all boosting talks on the phone and stuff like that.
