Post study work visa expiring before 26th of November 2018?

I am already on my one-year post-study work visa and which is, by the way, expiring before 26th of November 2018 so what is going to be my situation?

Ans. The answer to that is quite clear if your one year post study work visa is expiring for 26 November 2018 then you guys will meet will be under the old rules which means you should find a relevant job and apply for the two-year post study work visa and my assistant only if you are one year post study work visa open is expiring after the 26th of November 2018 then pretty much it is all given that you should be able to approach the Immigration Department of New Zealand and ask for those extra two years of post-study work visa which is now all open and there is no longer employer s estate and then no longer any attachments of any employee to that workplace or so for those of you whose one year post study work visa is expiring before 26 November 2018 you will need to find a get a job that is relevant to the course you have completed and make an application just like how you have made under the old rules for the post study work visa  employer assistant and once you get there after 26th of November if you want only if you want you can again approach the Immigration Department of New Zealand and ask them for a variety of conditions saying can you remove by conditions of being linked to a particular employer so that in future if you change employers you don't have to keep going back to the Immigration Department each time.


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