What is the process of work visa for a government employee?

What is the process of work visa for a government employee?

Ans. It doesn't matter I mean government employee doesn't make you any more special than somebody else who comes from the private sector I don't mean that in a condescending way I just mean like as far as employers in New Zealand is concerned it's all the same to them but they are a government employee or not from the private sector what matters is your attitude your skills and your knowledge that's what we are looking for but more importantly if you are not present in New Zealand it's not easy for you to actually, be able to find a job in New Zealand so for you to get a job in New Zealand or your question is how can I get a work visa to get your work visa in New Zealand you first have to be present in New Zealand because otherwise, it's very slim I know in my entire experience of 15-16 years of being in the line of New Zealand education migration I've rarely come across people for actually able to find jobs a few of my clients have but they were rarely the top end  IT kind of professionals and those guys were a or girls were able to find jobs before they could come into New Zealand so otherwise, it's a very rare occurrence so I would suggest is you will need to consider coming into New Zealand ideally as an international student coming as an international student study at the right level finish that course and then once you complete that course if you're doing it at the right level you'll get something called the posy study work visa then if you have the challenge to be able to go and find a relevant job to that particular course that you've completed that post-study work visa  a can further get extended there is a discussion right now in the garment where they're trying to see if they can Club those for study work visa make it into one long three-year work with off we're all waiting and watching let's see what happens but if it happens server will definitely share it with you guys first so I might get in touch with our team.
