Last date to Apply visa for July intake.

When are the last days to apply visa for July in taking my college starting date 23rd of July at ARA constructive management?

Ans: Again the inertia even as I guys please if you want good salt proper answers from me please mention that you are an HIV student or not an aid you distribute I mean I will answer everybody but if you mentioned you're a negative student I mean for instance the question that asked is so for tonight if you are in AJV student in the next ten minutes I can get an update from my team who is also following this chat on the Skype on my phone so when I keep looking down I'm actually looking down at my team whether they are giving me any inputs about each of you guys and then they're gonna ship here were one of our students by now I could have given you an update because I have this brilliant research impulse it's and chose that every visa is getting but of being taken care of the right there but coming to your question what is the last day to apply for you probably could still squeeze it in if your agency is really good like AJV because we guys are really good at the way we present our files you probably could still squeeze it and if you are going to ERA and your that's the course you're looking for the bar, I don't know why you left it for so long so if you are an AJV student please mention and I will ask my team why it has been waiting for so long if you are not an AJV  student then I think you need to have a chat with your agency and see if they can present a file that is ready for a decision and so that in a two to three weeks time we can get your visa and still be able to fly into New Zealand on time so then I show up like I said if you're an AJV student please let me know if you are not a native student of your agency and we will take a team if you are listening in let me know if the  is one of our students so that I can come back and ask them okay all right normally it takes between four or six weeks for a student visa but I think on an average a student visa applications we've been getting them between two to three weeks our visa so I think if you are working with us we should be able to kind of put together a good application and present it and hope for the best.
