After working for 11 years experience what is chances to get PR?

Currently I and my wife have completed 11 years of work experience what are our chances of getting a work visa / PR?

Ans : First and foremost good to see that you're back in touch with us if people have taken a bit of a break and then coming back to us it means we've left some kind of an impression on you guys for you to come I can't focus so much appreciate it for that so you say you and your wife have both completed 11 years of work experience I must be honest off the top of my head I don't really remember your profiles but if you both completed 11 years of what experience in something like information technology or in the engineering background there might be a very good chance that you will qualify for something called a not for a direct resident visa but there is something introduced as an interim call the skilled migrant category job search visa but the only issue with that job search visa is it will take some time and also not only will it take time but they won't allow you to come in as a couple only one of you will get that job search visa and then once you come into the country you can then look for a job in your relevant field for all the subject of cause view during that visa in the first place and then you can come into New Zealand and find a relevant job and then your residency gets approved if the immigration officer finds everything is in sync with the policy requirements at that particular time now instead and this is my suggestion to a Couple young couples like you who wear both husband and wife are working and I'm thinking you might be from an IT background is what I'm thinking so if you both from the IT background record I think you must consider very seriously that one of it comes here for a master's course and the other one comes here as a spouse but without full work visa because if war fee is coming on a master's course that that student we get part-time work rights while study and there are three years for post study work visa and the spouse will get full working rights from day one and then three years additional so four years of work with a full work visa for the spouse accompany and three and a half years of work visa for whoever is coming as the student and if you are coming in with an IT background I can tell you there from our own experience of a lot of clients who came in where one of the partners is working and studying and the other one is coming on a work visa they are tracking jobs and they are getting to the residency much faster so I would like you to consider that seriously and because you've shaved your number one of our team members will get in touch with you but alternately if you think hey look we don't want to invest money into education again then send us your CVs we can assess to see if you make it for the job for the job search visa under the skilled migrant category but as I told you that there's a lot of restrictions in terms of only one of you can come and many situations couples don't like them because they want to come here together and be here and kind of make their future together so I'd seriously suggest you take a look at the study pathway as a settlement pathway seriously because even the money you spent was free and everything it does will earn it back within 3-4 months because the student is getting three and a half years of work of work visa and spouse is going to get you know the full four years of work with us so frankly you will earn it back within no time so I would like you to consider the steady path but seriously because it faster quicker and we'll get you to residency much faster.
