Details for scholarship of New Zealand?

I recently came across the post saying scholarship of New Zealand in two thousand dollars offered by Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki which is also known as WIC so is this applicable to international students also any scholarships offered by WinTech?

Ans : Yeah I think the WIC even I will remember the details quite clearly annoying but I do believe that is for international students so I am not completely aware of all the details of this particular scholarship so check back with your adviser or you know if you've seen the post on our AJV group I would strongly recommend that you go and get some details from there as well Wintech  to the best of my knowledge is not offering any scholarship in this particular moment but the best people to ask would be your AJV adviser still in New Zealand if you're already in the swearing if you're still outside New Zealand if you are already in New Zealand and if you're in WIC I would say just call your international team on the inside the college and go and tell them look what is the eligibility for this particular scholarship and if you're still eligible you can but if you're still outside New Zealand talk to your interview adviser and say can I get more information about this but the best of my knowledge there's nothing from Wintec in the moment this was a standalone scholarship that was offered.
