Looking forward to do Blue collar job?

I’m looking forward for immigration but would love to study and then would like to have a blue collar job?

Ans : If your intention is to look for migration I can tell you that migration directly is almost ruled out at this point in time because of the policy changes so one of the best is for you to do that would be to absolutely consider the study plus settle pathway which is something I strongly advocate and because you know a lot of you are looking for permanent settlement in New Zealand and you know one of the best policies are available right now is to come and study and do a course where you will get a one two or three a post study work visa and then in that post study work with a period you can't pick up a relevant job and then take that for a liberal job if you at the right position in the right salary can apply for migration so but they want to pick up a blue-collar job or in a white-collar job it doesn't matter let's continue to speak to Nisha and like I told you that is probably the best pathway at this stage in time at this point in time so I think you really need to continue on that particular one.
