Scope to get scholarships as we don't have enough money to support our education?

Any scope to get scholarships as we don't have enough money to support our education?

Ans : Scholarships are not too many in New Zealand unfortunately but I think we did share a post in our AJV Facebook group and search for ends and options which is our Facebook group on you know on Facebook so yeah just go answer it and say scholarships and there is a link which gives you certain scholarship but they're not terribly large amount of scholarships for New Zealand to be honest guys so you know and the it brings up another interesting question factor is that you saying you don't have enough money to support your education and you're contemplating studying in New Zealand so I think that is a mistake people who don't have enough money should not plan to go overseas because you will end up in a lot of trouble yeah I mean if you're getting a scholarship and especially if you're doing let's say a master a PhD and you're getting your tuition fee as well as your living expenses that are phenomenal situation of course but a lot of people will not get those scholarships so if you are going to rely entirely on the scholarship in trying to come to New Zealand I would be very if I were you because you can't come here you might beg borrow steal and some of land here but that money is generally not there you might be you might get a lot of trouble on a personal note so I would say if you don't have the money don’t consider okay I know it sounds brutal but I'm always brutally honest going abroad is not for everybody so you need to have money you know to have good health you know to have good character and the intention should be clean and clear so you know these are some of the things that you if you don't have any one of these I would not recommended it.
