Will we can get 3 years of stay back visa in New Zealand?

Whether we will get three years stay back visa if you do one year’s master's course next year in Auckland or Christchurch?

Ans : I think so don't see any problems with that particular policy which the government came up with I think if you're as long as do you're doing your master's course I think you'll be fine I think they might be a bit of an issue around eleven seven which is your graduate diploma I don't want to say there will be a problem I'm just thinking kind of in extrapolating and sort of you know looking a little ahead and thinking they might be a bit of a problem with that but I don't think there's going to be a problem with master saying but anyway even if there is going to be a problem with the Masters you won't require a good strong company to fight on your behalf once you are in New Zealand and get into some sort of trouble so I would strongly recommend that you work with AJV because if you do come through AJV and even if there are some changes to policy we will fight don't we have for our students because you know when people are admitted under a particular policy and if the policy changes they should not be in a kind of punished or you know not given those extra work visa years in retrospect so those are the kind of things that we do I mean for instance the previous person who was that question saying I was misguided wrongly by an adviser and I'm applying to re-enroll what I enjoyed with that wouldn't happen unless until there was a problem with the institution and in that case we will go fight with that institution as well and say they look guys we are not happy with the way you are treating our students so if you guys really want to be taken care of after you come to New Zealand I strongly recommend it should work with AJV.
