Read these FAQs to understand the pathway to residency in New Zealand-
1. Are there any risks involved in moving to New Zealand?
Ans: Yes, There will be risks involved but you know if you're working with a good company like AJV then, of course, we will try our maximum to give you the best safety features possible and then take it forward from there.
2. Is student visa also a pathway to residency?
Ans: Yes, and that is the line that we take is saying who better than international students to go out to become future residents of New Zealand especially if you have the right attitude, skills, and knowledge you're going to come to New Zealand, you’re going to stay here, you're going to enjoy, you know experience a culture and how to go about getting your way around society, you're going to get a local qualification, if you get the right level of qualification you get a post-study work visa and once you get that post-study work visa you can look out for a job which is relevant to your course once you find that job then you get the required number of points to become a resident in fact the way the policy has been tweaked recently and I think it's a very clever tweak because they are practically almost pushing everybody who desires to be a skilled migrant into the education pathway.
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