Job scenario while applying through Skilled Migration pathway

How long a job advertisement is valid when I'm applying for skill migration camp?

Ans. Again, there is no specific rule which says a job bag has to be there for X amount of weeks or X amount of months and things like that. At the end of the day, each immigration officer or visa officer has got a high level of discretion in the decisions that make so visa officer you know it's just not the person like you and me there. He or she is a professional trained to take a similar decision so likewise, you know I would not take up that case now as an immigration professional unless and until I'm convinced that everything that is required for that person to get residency is there that's exactly what this officer does fact I could be a very good visa officer or visa officer could be a very good licensed adviser because we are essentially doing the same work so it is always logic common-sense fairness and you know and ensuring that the right opportunity is provided to client so there is no set pattern as such as to how long that Ad should be there but it should a few weeks at the least of course.

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