Job opportunities regarding machine learning and IOT. I am currently working in India in this field so I want to know more and when should I apply for July or August visa?
Ans. Machine learning and IOT I think are both the advanced levels in information technology at the moment. We have a severe shortage of good IT professionals in New Zealand you will see a lot of videos and blogs and other posts saying there are no opportunities for IT people in New Zealand that's a lot of nonsense do not believe those losers these are the people who came who did not have the requisite attitude skills or knowledge or English communication to be able to find a good job in New Zealand about three or four months back because someone challenged me saying there are actually no IT jobs in New Zealand and the government is kind of creating a false image like there are IT jobs in New Zealand so what I did is and I like a good challenge so what I did is I picked up the phone and I spoke to a gentleman called Graham Walla who is the CEO of NZ Tieck which is like the apex body of all technology organizations in New Zealand so and I we had a great conversation we almost fought for 40 minutes and I posed this question to Graham and said Graham you know in the especially in the migrant and international student community a lot of people say that there are actually no jobs and that the jobs you see and seek and trade me and other places are all conflated and he actually laughed it off saying I mean what are you saying I have statistics right here right now in this moment saying how desperately short we are on IT skills at the moment so there is a serious shortage of IT skills but maybe not so much at the entry level but at this level of you know machine learning and IOT and all those you know more advanced levels we are we constantly have a requirement all my students who have come to New Zealand to the IT courses most of them have done well some of them have struggled I will be honest with you not everybody has found the job and gotten on to that point of rest and some have struggled but I have also noticed that those with some experience have done very well those without enough experience have not done very well so that seems to be the trend as well but I think that's a very logical trend that when you have more experience. obviously the competence level and the ability to convince other people goes absorb good option for you and should you come in July or August there you know kind of quite close to each other so I don't think either July or August would matter although some of the institutions and universities do not have an intake after July so you will have to wait to fit so I think you are coming to New Zealand as of machine learning and IOT is fantastic please come to New Zealand we need people like you here in New Zealand.
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