The company in Rotorua claims they can help with PR, is that possible?
Ans. It is not whether the company's take away or whether it's an Arid or weather it is Fonterra or whether it is IBM it does not about the size of the company it is how sustainable is their claim that they can give you a full-time employment is it a company that actually has got the it could be a dairy store I know a lot of students I have got their residency by showing themselves as managers of dairies which as you know are those little stores which are like small supermarkets in each neighbourhood so that's what the dairies and I know that a lot of my students have managed to get that residency through these things so it does not whether it's a take away I mean take away it could also be a very successful business but take away could be doing a turnover of a couple of million dollars in a year and they may be in a position to hire 20 people so I it's not whether it's a take away at work I'm sure if it is a well-established company and most important they should have good records with IRD they should have been paying their taxes and they should not have been in breach of any conditions as an employer I think that is very important so if all those things are considered absolutely possible.
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