Lots of people say that New Zealand employers do not prefer Indians as their employees. They only prefer people of their own kind to offer a job is that true?
Ans. If that was true I won’t be living in New Zealand to be honest because before I started my own business and become an advisor for education and migration to New Zealand. I did two jobs in New Zealand my first job was here in Hamilton I work for a company which made medical software and I was their marketing manager and then I moved to another company in Auckland which was into internet security solutions and I joined that company as well as a marketing manager and there are hundreds and thousands of Indians who are gainfully employed in New Zealand, my wife is employed in our good company, hundreds of my friends and my children's and everybody. There will be some frustrated people who have been trying for jobs and don't get it they are the guys who will write things like people New Zealand employees do not refer Indians as their employees but do they have a choice is the question there is a shortage of workers in New Zealand and Indians and Chinese are the largest group of people coming into the country and if Indians are able to work hard and speak well and present themselves well does New Zealand ever have a choice. I think a New Zealand is a fair working place and everybody is given an equal opportunity if you're saying there is subtle racism if you know an employer who is of European background or any other background is not considering an Indian employee haven't they could be the odd case but by and large frankly I think everywhere we go to New Zealand and I'm not making this up everywhere we go from those demonstrators in the shopping malls to the checkout operators in the shopping malls to managers of good stores in the shopping malls to senior people in government to senior executives and good companies everywhere there is there are India's there are Chinese there are Brazilians there are Vietnamese there are everyone is there so it's kind of too broad to say that New Zealanders don't prefer Indian employees. The fact of the matter is we are growing as an economy we want to compete at the global stage we are a big massive country I know a lot of people think we are a tiny little piece of land we are not we are as big as Japan or as big as the state of California or as big as United Kingdom and geographical size we are so big we could probably accommodate 20 million people in this country we only have 4.2 or 4.3 million people in this country at this moment which means we need a lot of workforces and some other countries have to supply this workforce and the two largest source countries in the world are India and China so most countries whether it is New Zealand or Australia or the UK or Canada or the US whoever need workers they have to import them from some of the countries and India and China being the two largest countries will send in their you know people like all of you know myself included all for us all so many good Chinese friends I have we all came because it is not just it's not just a desire from our side there is also a need from these countries especially small countries like New Zealand there is a shortage of workers in this countries.
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