Can a dependent work in New Zealand?

How many Hours is allowed for a dependent (Spouse) to work per week in New Zealand?

Ans. Normally we get a full work visa so which means you can do 40 plus 40 or more than that some people ask me so can I do 80 so  spouse can work all the forty yards and sometimes people ask me can I work 80 hours, there is something called Occupational Health and Safety which is again a government regulation which says that people can't tie up themselves to a to a point where they will fall dead at work so obviously that is there but spouse can work full time and if a spouse is coming on a visitor visa can you be able to work no you cannot unless you convert that visit visa into a work visa and another very good reason why you need to work with us because you will need that advice they will need that support after you land in New Zealand then as I told you I'm a licensed immigration adviser and one of our senior managers.

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