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I have done 12th in 2016 in a non-medical field, after that I did my IELTS. I have 5.5 in writing the rest overall 6. Now I want to pursue my study in Rotorua in Toi Ohomai and I am looking for wood manufacturing or construction courses. please help?
Ans. Toi Ohomai is a good institution. We like them, we work with them and you will seem to have a choice of either opting for wood manufacturing or for construction between the two of them I would probably suggest you consider a construction over wood manufacturing because purely because there's a lot of construction that is happening in New Zealand at the moment and we have a lot of construction boom that is happening and there is a reasonable amount of demand for construction workers at the moment for also in the long term skill shortage is so good for choice if you chose construction Toi Ohomoi is a good institution we have had good track record with them Toi Ohomoi is also two institutions that came together called Bay of Plenty Polytechnic and Waurika we are politically so these two institutions merged and became Toi Ohomoi.
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