Which course to pursue in terms of jobs in PR information technology or masters in business analyst?
Ans. It is wrong to pursue a course from whether it'll lead you to PR or not I think you need to first your course if it is of interest you if it's a subject of
interest you because people pursuing any kind of a course can end up getting residency or PR as you guys keep like to calling it and does not matter it has to be a course and our subject that is near to your heart of course information technology and business analysis of kind of quite closely related so they can there but if your desire is to become a strong business analyst then I would say go for the Masters synthesis analyst course but if you are you know fresh IT criteria can hit the still don't have a lot of business background or the analysis and for background then obviously the business analyst course is not correct at this stage in your career and so I would recommend that you go into the information technology which is more for programming and that sort of so work.
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