Is level 5-6 cookery in Era Institute
of Canterbury, a good choice is a cookery a sustainable path as a feature perspective?
Ans. New Zealand is a country built on
tourism very strong industry I think it is still our number one industry so
because we are so absolutely spectacularly beautiful as a country and we have
so many amazing places to visit and I think New Zealand is on the bucket list
for practically everybody in the world so we have millions and millions of
tourists coming into New Zealand when so many people come into New Zealand
somebody's got a feed there and if somebody's got to feed them somebody's got
to cook that food and which was where chefs are always in demand in New Zealand
chefs are so still in demand in and so
it's always a good option ERA is a very good institution it was previously
called Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology or CPIT recently they
renamed it and call it ERA which means the way on the path, by the way, it's a
Maori word and it means the way or the path that's what it means are so good
course selection good subject selection and good institution selection.
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