Planning to do PG Diploma
from IT from fit area level 8, my query is will I be eligible to take my spouse
along with me or should I go for level 9?
The post is very few
postgraduate courses in there are long term skill shortage less job especially
in IT in the IT department and in the long term skills shortage listen there is
no postgraduate diploma as such so they're asking for Bachelor of engineering a lot of bachelors are being asked and you could potentially do 11/8 with a
letter from IT professionals New Zealand certifying that the degree and any
further learning means the benchmark for requirements but it's all a little
complicated so I think it might make sense for you to quite simply choose a
level 9 because of the entry the requirement for level 8 and level 9 especially in IELTS and most of the academic
requirements is why it's very similar so - to ensure there is no risk in being
able to come with your spouse - for New Zealand my recommendation is to choose a Level
9 if you say no I don't want to go to level 9 I want to come for level 8 only
we can still apply for your spouse visa but it will not be a word please eyes
will be a visitor visa so for till the time you finish your course and you get
the post study work visa your spouse will be on a visitor visa if you guys are
okay with it then there is no problem you can still come for a level 8 horse
and your spouse can you know hang around till you finish a course once you get
your work visa or post-study work visa then he will get his work with also no
problem 3 years you'll get three years but if
you have spouses also as well qualified as you are even if it comes on a
visitor visa he can board and start looking for jobs and we are there to guide
you and begin so you can tell prospective employers saying that yes I'm on a
visitor visa but I'm going to get to three-year work visa as soon as my wife
completes the course and these are my credentials give me a job and then based
on the job my adviser which is AJV services they've said that I'll be able to
apply independently for my own work with us all those possibilities are there
so to cut a long story short to be able to minimize the risk completely choose
a level line if you want to come for a level eight only then you can consider
getting your spouse on our visitor visa he will stay for one year we'll see it
through and then once you get your work done even also know that your work visa.
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