Postgraduate diploma in supply chain and logistics stores in NZ?

Explain about the postgraduate diploma in supply chain and logistics stores generally?

Ans. In general the post graduate diploma in supply chain management is a good one but bear in mind supply chain management while it is a subject that does reflect in the long term skill shortage list of New Zealand there is only one position called Procurement manager which is present in the long term skill shortage list so it is important for you to ensure that you are getting into that course for the right reasons especially if you are trying to get into the post graduate diploma in supply chain management activities at the PG level you should have had adequate experience in supply chain management because with supply chain management it is a specialized area and if you're coming at the postgraduate level it means that you need to have good experience and that good experience along with the post graduate diploma in New Zealand and in an area where there is a stated down skill shortage more than likely will lead to success if the question is can spouse accompany on the post graduate diploma in supply chain management I think I've made I very clear a spouse can after 26TH  November 2018 a spouse can only come on a work visa  a student coming on our level seven courses well no problem but what kind of visa is the question because most of you guys coming into New Zealand has international students and who has false a complaint want them to come on work visas which is fine I understand you can don't want to get a spouse who's just got to sit at home and while their time away but to be able to get those work ways are before you enter New Zealand it has to be either a level nine master's course or a level ten Ph.D. course or a level eight or a level seven course which is exactly defined in the long term skill shortage list of New Zealand. In the supply chain management what is the exact course that is described at the exact course describe there in Procurement manager is a CIPS level six graduate diploma in purchasing and supply that's what it says it says CIPS which is chartered instead of purchasing and supply level six graduate diploma in purchasing and supply or a syllable graduate diploma okay it says clearly so on post graduate diploma eleven eight is not an exact match to this particular course mentioned in the long term skill shortage list so if you are choosing a post graduate diploma which is not exactly mentioned in the long term skill shortage list and if you are applying after 26/11 but you will not get a spouse work visa but you will get a spouse visitor visa so if your spouse is that fantastic yes I can get it so if you are coming for a course and let's say supply chain management and your spouses are very well accomplished IT person get the pass they get him or her along on the visitor visa and then on their own merit  they will go and find the job and if they are able to get a salary of forty two thousand nine and 52 they will get themselves an essential skills work visa or if they get a salary of $50,000 and 23 they themselves on their own merit will get a resident visa so I don't want anybody to get confused about this holes falls work visa if a spouse well if you are looking for a spouse work with up played safe choose a masters level 9 or a PhD level 10 simple if you are looking for a level 7 or level  8 course there are very few courses which match the exact qualification of the long term skills for business in fact in the long term skill shortage list most of the level 7courses are all bachelors in engineering technology construction medicine is wrong in bachelors of physiotherapy Bachelor of surveying bachelor of medical laboratory science badge biomedical imaging so those are the ones present here so and Graduate Diploma level 7 there are only construction project management and highway engineering and construction mentioned in the long term skill shortage list so to play it safe if you want to bring your spouse on a work visa to New Zealand while you are an international student so the level 9 or choose a level 10 which is a plaintiff it is not very easy so to the level line if you are looking at a level 8 on a level 7 please check with the AJV team so that we can check and tell you whether it is an exact match to what is there in the a long term still short exist which also keeps changing once in a while so you know which is why we are there sitting there as experts for you so as our students when they come to us.
