Work visa after completing masters in NZ.

If I do a level 9 course a master's degree and come with my spouse then will I be eligible to get a work permit of three years after completion of the master's?

Ans. The rules are simple guys going forward after the new policy comes into place if you want to get your spouse on a work visa to New Zealand going forward you need to ideally do a level nine master's or a level 10 PhD no problems with that if you are going for a level 8 or a level 7 course that particular course has to be an exact match to a course or a qualification defined in the long term skill shortage list of New Zealand so that is what we are looking at so because just plan to come for a level 9 master's degree there will not be a problem for her supposed to be able to apply for a work visa as a dependent provided they of course that meet all the criteria of being in a genuine relationship and living together but for others who do not fall into that level 9 or 10 or do not or do not match an exact level 8 or a level 7 on the long term skill shortage list then what you guys can do is possibly look at coming in so I mean here's an example if somebody is coming into New Zealand for a graduate diploma level 7 or let's say I have post graduate diploma level 8 and wants to come with the spouse if that levels 8 graduate of post graduate diploma is not an exact match to a qualification in the long term skill shortage list the spouse can still accompany but on a visitor visa so the spouse can come but the spouse will not get a work visa because that level 8 course is not an exact match to them to a qualification on the long term skill shortages so what this student can do is if she if he or she is keen to get the spouse let the spouse come in on a visitor visa for one year this pass cannot work on a visitor visa but after completion of the one year when the student gets a three year post study work visa by virtue of having completed a level 8 program then the spouse will become eligible for a work visa interestingly if the spouse is really good and comes on a visitor visa while in New Zealand goes around looking for job and somebody says yeah look cool look you have great talent and we are willing to give you a job offer the spouse can take the job offer and independently apply either for an essential skills work visa or for a restaurant visa so it has happened in the past so it fits a lot of our clients sometimes spouses come and within five six months they find great jobs which are above the threshold of fifty thousand five hundred and twenty three dollars and then they go ahead and apply for the resident visa so overall it's still looking very positive guy so nothing to worry about.
