How good is New Zealand for undergraduates?

How good is New Zealand for undergraduates?

Ans. I think rarely people ask me that question it's an amazing wait our place to come and do an undergraduate term course, in fact, yes there was exchanging emails with one of ours children sir who came from India actually she grew up in the US but then her parents live in India and then she kind of came to New Zealand to do an undergraduate course here in the creative industry and some beautiful place to do an undergraduate and the good thing about undergraduate courses unfortunately a lot of international students especially from India, Pakistan Sri Lanka Dubai most of the South Asian kind of countries so want to come in for a quick one year course and then be able to get the post early work visa and then find a job and then get residency so that seems to be the sequence 95% of the times but there is a smaller percentage of people who come to do an undergraduate course in New Zealand and I can straightaway tell that these people come with no pressure on their minds because they come in for 3 years or in some instances four years and they get into this\ country they enjoy it they start doing part-time work they with it by the end of those three years they're practically like he is because they've lived in this environment for 3 years and they have formed fantastic networks they're in a safe environment welcoming environment and then by the end of those three years they are absolutely breeze into a job and because they've been around for three four years and so those networks are formed there their ambiance has changed there the way their thinking has changed they're more in sync with New Zealand so great place to study an undergraduate course. I think we've worked with about 15 to 20 undergraduate students over the last couple of years but these guys are in a different league altogether because and they come with no money pressure but they come with enough money to pay for three-four years so yeah it's all good I would strongly recommend New Zealand for undergraduate studies and there's some great courses available and some beautiful and safe campuses definitely no people running around with guns there so very safe campus so please get in touch with us.
