Job opportunities for MA French graduates.

When should we apply for student loan what are my job opportunities I have done my MA French?

If it's coming in January I would strongly recommend please apply at least eight weeks before because we've already all been hit by this massive delays and just feel like such a drama and circles around all this delay so my so minimum make it 8 works before and what about your job opportunities in MA French it's an interesting one what a lot of schools here teach French are so I can see that you didn't know it would probably end up picking up a pattern or kind of relieving kind of each oven so I'm school or the other I'm not sure if a teaching your registration it's kind of thing is there but you're not potentially you could also be looking at doing some work and on university or something like that there will be some translation bureaus as one who would be looking for people with your caliber I know no worst case scenario you can pick something that is not related to French will probably spend some time get yourself ingrained into New Zealand a little better than you could possibly we didn't start creating it possibilities in your particular area see when I came to New Zealand I did want to come and set up a business but I didn't get into business right away because I think about two three years to understand the setup of this country and how it is how it works how other people what are the pros cause pulls pushes or the kind of stuff and so I did a job myself for the first three or four years and then once I kind of understood how New Zealand works and moves is when I made my move to set up my business so I would suggest the same thing for you so be open to kind of coming in and doing any kind of work initially and just get ease yourself into this society and into the fabric of this country and then once you can have acquired a bit more of confidence and you feel a bit more comfortable with your surroundings and the people you've met moment is when you can kind of go out and reach for your particular you know thing.
