a non AJV student how can I join my wife who recently went to Auckland for level
seven graduate diploma networking we got married last month before my partner
went to New Zealand?
Ans. What
you're asking for is out in outer immigration advice and obviously, we do
provide that particular service so we will be happy to work with you and us
work with a lot of fun you know couples who have been recently married for 30
years so we work with the whole range of people loved or married and split up and
all kinds of combination so we work with them so there is an obviously a slight
weakness in your case because you are very recently married but we could
possibly picture case and put it up there I mean first in first and foremost I
don't think you'll be getting a work visa so you're obviously looking because
to get a work visa and at level seven it needs to match and exact course in
the long term skill shortage list or it has to be eight nine or ten levels so
obviously, you're not looking at the work visa you are only looking at all
visitor visa but we will be happy to work with you and see if we can if there
are adequate documents to prove that there is a genuine relationship although
immigration is a little tough on recently married people because there have
been instances where they have been sham marriages and people kind of trying to
piggyback on a wife or a husband and so they are aware of all these things or
they can be a little tough on this but like I said you know we are a very good
immigration consulting firm and we will take a look at your case and come back
to you with the right advice I suggest you and your wife send us your CV info@ajvglobal.com and our senior manager Mary will get in touch
with you gather the information discussed at the end.
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