How about the
opportunities for B.Tech such as big
data AI and blockchain in New Zealand?
Ans: You haven't confirmed
whether you are going to be AJV student or not I would really appreciate
if he can also confirm if you're
planning to work because please work
with us, I love working with guys who
use such large big technology terms but I
think like I said jokes apart I do have a
very fair understanding of
Technology I actually like to dabble in technology quite a lot myself in fact I sat
with one of Our past student who came
to New Zealand through AJV to
Hamilton where I live and they fired
him now as a full-time employee of
the company and he and we sat down and we
actually designed an entire the software which - which is to become our
in in-house CRM for AJV so we are so
I'm quite a technology orientated so
when you're talking about the Big
Data and artificial intelligence
frankly, I don't know much about blockchain but the other stuff that you talk to Big Data is the keyword but busted a data warehousing data mining
is the big what in fact somebody very
close to my words for GE in America and
works with terabytes and terabytes
off I don't know whatever is the next one
now a big data so the scope is very good
word and I think your choice of
technology place these particular
subjects I think is very good and connect
with us and because in fact only
yesterday I was reading out an email
which I get every week on Monday from the
CEO of New Zealand technology organization
which has lent the ethics body
for all technology firms and
organizations in New Zealand than those
gentlemen send out a weekly like how I
come live on Facebook and YouTube
where every week this gentleman called Mr. Graham male who is the CEO of NZ he
sends out his weekly email and he was
talking about stuff like this he was
talking about Big Data and artificial
intelligence and those kinds of
technologies and how they are going to kind of
redefine the way New Zealand's technology the industry is going to go so I think
you will a good choice and obviously it
sounds like the kind of guy who also
understands of Technology well last the component as I keep saying always for you to
be successful in New Zealand you need
good advice's you need people like us who
will talk to you continuously and ensure
that your journey is progressing
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