Your views on digital marketing in New Zealand.

Your views on digital marketing scope in New Zealand?

Ans. You are asking this question to a guy who digital is marketing right now I'm sitting here in my office and talking to you through YouTube and Facebook and utilizing mine the digital medium to be able to reach out to you guys and to a bit of marketing for AJV services so absolutely the scope is good again like I said if you already have a background in digital marketing if you're good with your understanding Google if you're good with understanding YouTube you're good with understanding Facebook you could with understanding how all the other dynamics of the social media work I think there could be a very good scope because bear in mind that New Zealand is an as a pretty isolated country we are our country stuck to the almost on the bottom of the earth we are in the Southern Pacific Ocean and us have to deal with the rest of the world and we have our own products and services that we want to market to the world like how I'm sitting and I'm actually marketing a New Zealand service right now for New Zealand education so the need for digital marketing is quite intense in most of our businesses here in New Zealand so I think the scope will be pretty good and if you're a really good digital marketing guy yeah I think the scope could be quite nicer but if you do not have a good solid background in digital marketing then I would recommend you not to broaden it out a little bit more instead of getting it all false which is only into digital marketing you won't get a bit more generic get into a more business kind of course which will give you a more broader platform and then you can choose either simple marketing or digital marketing or sales or admin or so on and so forth so if you already have a good strong solid background in digital marketing I would say stick to your digital marketing if you don't have a good strong background in digital marketing and you're like more a generic business kind of time then I would recommend you chose generic course.
