I got offer letter from Fierier
University Institute category 1 & 2 ranking have any impact on job search
Ans. So these are the a simple
answer to that which is not really I don't think of category 1 or category 2 is
something that a lot of employers there is not really I mean yet to come across
any employer in New Zealand who says all look I'll give you a preference because
you're from a category one institution or you know alright look down upon you
because you're from a category two institution I am never ever come across a
situation like and by and large category one and two are good institutions and
there could be small connections that answer to our has suggested to them so
that they can move back into category one so the short answer is don't worry
which I don't think it's such a big issue but they go into a category one or a
category two and again whether its university or our initiator of technology or
a private training institution again a lot of some employers don't really care
so purely from a job perspective I don't think you have to worry about and also
bear in mind we at AJV we have chosen certain number of institutions whether it
is university or instead of technology or a private institution we have made it
our Portfolio only after we are very clear that we want to work with them
because it's not always that we work with every in fact every week I get one or
two emails from the small little private institution saying hey look we want to
work with you so I write back to them saying sorry guys not interested to work
with you because we have a certain reputation to maintain and we are respected
in the market so we don't want to work with every Tom Dick and Harry institution
so in fact I think about two weeks back I agree announced on Facebook that we
are not working with an institution called Queenstown resort college which is
one of the best in hospitality sort of thing and very reputed so that's the
kind of institutions we work with so if we are sending it to an institution or portfolio
by and large you're fine don't worry about it.
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