Scope for higher studies in the field of photo management.

I have sent you an email with my CV to the possibilities of getting an enrollment for higher studies in the field of photo management?

Ans: I get a lot of emails so I'm sorry if I have not responded to you I might have responded to you or I might have even flicked it onto my team because we have a solid team of experts who are very good that team if we can confirm to me but thank you for sending your CV to me Adam I will definitely look after I'm done with this up but it'll broadcast and I will send it to pass it along to my team but we will I feel what the possibility of enrollment in the field of hotel management will be pretty high because first and foremost international education is a business for New Zealand you know it's a 4.5 dollar industry right now and so we want to attract good students who will come and study in New Zealand so obviously, you know we would like to enroll you into one of our institutions but also because you're choosing hotel management which is in the hospitality industry and we as a country we have tourism as our first industry so with their millions of tourists who come to New Zealand year-on-year so obviously people in the hotel management industry and chef cookery and tourism doing activities and other stuff for tourists are required in this country so your course choice is very good I can think of at least three or four different institutions that we can recommend to you so thanks for writing I will definitely have a look and either way, I will respond myself hopefully get on to one of our team members who will then contact you and put the options of different courses what is the cost in different cities opportunities and jobs and so on and so forth and we also, have some all clients who already have completed their courses and hospitality and hotel management and now well settled in New Zealand we should be we'll also be able to connect you to them so they can also kind of begin to have a network of people in your industry all right cool but thanks for reaching out to us much appreciated we love working with smart young people like you so thanks for reaching out to AJV we will stand by you.
