Is AJV trustworthy?

I've consulted for student visa with another agent I got admission for masters of applied data science at University of Canterbury and planning for February intake unfortunately I got to know about AJV after that and I'm looking forward to working with AJV for my spouse. I've certain query regarding my husband's carrier there it is you learn and would like to get some general advice from you I've already sent an email and got a reply from Mary once unfortunately I didn't get a name follow after that?

Ans : I would say write back to Mary again and yeah I mean it's unfortunate that you came to hear about us after you probably started your process already with somebody else but if there is still a possibility talk to Mary and ask her and say hey look can I is there a possibility I could still work with you guys because for us it is important so I'm not that we work with both of you together because for us when we try to worst you read it as coming to somebody else and then you're working with this possibly there's a bit of a disconnect not only for us especially for you as clients I think there would be a bit of a disconnect because it it's important for a legal adviser to know the full history and the full case and you know all those kinds of things and sometimes what's presented in the Australian file may be in favor or go against what's being presented in your husband's file and so on and so forth so the only for you as a family I would strongly recommend get back in touch with Mary I will also flag this to Mary but worst case scenario if you're not able to get your student we saw also done with u  then you know but more than likely be happy to help you with your spouse work later and yeah we will be happy to provide some advice about what kind of carriers in job opportunities he may be able to look it yeah but like I said get back in touch with Mary one more time and we will take it from there.
