How is SIT college in
Waikato and part-time jobs over there and how is it jobs after completing from
Invercargill regarding Wintec Hamilton College did we get the scholarship for
PG Diploma second after completing PG Diploma level eight we eligible for three
years work visa and are we eligible for PR or else do we need to choose masters
to qualify for PR?
Ans : SIT Southern Institute
of Technology Invercargill no problem good institution owned and operated by
the government of New Zealand gap so no problem in Invercargill is a slightly
smaller City as compared to most of the cities in New Zealand in fact if you go
look at the populations of the different cities across New Zealand so
Invercargill would be are now relatively smaller as compared to Auckland
Wellington Christ Hamilton denied and so obviously it will be a smaller city
but will they be part-time opportunities definitely they will be part-time
opportunities I have collected quite a few of our students and other known our clients
live in Invercargill and they're all doing quite well at the moment and we will
also connect you to some of them as regards Hamilton Wintec on Waikato
Institute of Technology shortly in short form Coleman Tech is also an institute
of technology owned and operated by the government of New Zealand it's based in
Hamilton and if you do a PG Diploma there scholarships I don't know I might
check with your AJV adviser because I don't have all the scholarship
information in a store or inside my head but I don't think there are any
scholarships at the moment being offered and please bear in mind scholarships
are quite rare because at the end of the day international education is all
about earning money from international students let's keep it as simple as I
mean you guys will need to understand that international education is primarily
for New Zealand institutions to earn money from international students because
that's the way you know the world trade is developing and not just New Zealand
but Australia UK Canada us Ireland everybody has got a very robust
international education sector because they're trying to you know bring some
money and they want it to be profitable so which is the reason they're not a
lot of scholarships that are normally offered for international students
because these institutions expect you to come and pay the full fee so that
should be my second answer to you and after you complete your post graduate
diploma level 8 were eligible for your three years for study work visa yes does
not matter from which part of the country you are doing it yes you will
definitely be eligible for all three as post Study work visa and are you
eligible for PR is you know your residency it depends on whether you find
yourself a relevant job after you complete your course and that job will then
give you the required number of points to apply for a residency it's not
necessary you don't have to do masters although there is a clause in the
immigration law which says that if you do 2 years masters you could potentially
apply for a direct residency but from why did you get 160 points which is a
calculated for your age your qualification your work experience and by and
large only people who are married who have a spouse with a good qualification
and also had about 10 years of work experience and end up doing it we as
masters in New Zealand or PhD will end up getting to that one success so I
don't think you should stress too much about the masters aspect of it my advice
to you is simple commented New Zealand pick a good college or a city does not
matter whether it's Hamilton or Invercargill go check to see which is the
course that is no dearer to you if you know when you read it what reaches out
from your heart is more important what connects to you mentally and it's your heart
is important which by which I mean the papers really so I have a look at the
papers and say what is it that appeals to you and after you complete your
course even if you're studying and you can of course move from there and pick
up a job in any other city across New Zealand so absolutely not a problem so
don't worry about the Masters coming to New Zealand finish your post graduate
diploma pick your three years post study work visa and start applying for jobs
everywhere across the country and the moment you find the job more than likely
you will cross that 160 points threshold so that he can go ahead and apply for
a resident visa.
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