Scope after 12 years of backlogs?

Is it possible for me to go for higher studies in New Zealand if I have 12 years backlogs?

Ans : The problem with that is then that you might be considered as somebody who's not a serious children under and until they were was a legitimate reason why you had so many backlogs in your past studies where you're not when was there some personal issues in your house did something else happen depends on what exactly was there if you're just so if you're just being a lazy young person and not studying it will not reflect too well but if you give us the opportunity to talk to you and find out more details about so but what exactly your background is what is the course you study eat and which where why did you get this Backlogs depending on that we should be able to put forward the case ender at the end of the day New Zealand would like to attract good international students and there were genuine reasons why you were you know forced to have to well backlogs then you know we will work on it with you and put up a good application and present it to immigration New Zealand so what I would suggest is get in touch with our team.
