My wife is an AJV
student coming to OPAIC which is Octagon Polytechnic Auckland International
campus we got the interview called today but waiting for decision let me know
what all arrangement will be done on AJV when she reaches Auckland since she
comes alone?
Ans: First and foremost we
are not babysitters and I think I keep saying that in each and every session of
mind is that we are here to provide a pathway into New Zealand to mature older
strong people students who are coming in and I live in a society where people
of 16 17 18 are completely independent and they do everything that is possible
so we if you are expecting us to be at the airport and I don't know what your expectations
are but what we have done is we have arranged we have actually hired one of our
students who is studying right now in New Zealand called Anjana know she's
working part-time for AJV so she is the international student coordinator or
all the people about to arrive into New Zealand so I would suggest that you ask
your visa officer whoever is in AJV to connect your wife to Anjana and Anjana
and your wife can connect and have a Skype call and then Anjana can tell her as
much of information as possible including accommodation and you know we will
also try to network and by and large ratio and Anjana can also add her to our AJV
only clients Facebook group and normally when you post there and say hey look
I'm coming here anybody looking for you know another tenant to come into the
house and all that so that's where that networking also begins to happen so
best thing would be that you will basis to connect your wife to Anjana and if
you don't know how to reach out the antenna directly just ask AJV with officer
and he or she will connect your wife to Anjana and then I don't
Know get up and take it
for from this for there is but at the same time as I told you we do not like to
be babysitters we like to be people who will stand as support what we expect people
coming into New Zealand to be grown-up enough and mature enough and confident
enough to start finding their own way going forward but from our side yes we
will help with the initial coming in I know if she is looking for accommodation
they'll try and give some options to her and also connect her to some of our
students who may be looking to also getting some flat mates and Jenna will also
help not to get her IRD number or card and I think my team would have also sent
you welcome guide so please read it carefully unfortunately a lot of our
students don't read it because it's a nicely in the document which talks at
length about everything including what the power plugs and sockets and
everything else that you need to do once your each New Zealand.
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