you share the statistics of AJV such as visa applied v/s visa approved?
Ans : That’s
the kind of transparency that is required in this industry because you know
I've seen people advertising saying hundred percent visa success or you're
guaranteed or PR guaranteed included all kinds of nonsense is put out there and
which is why I think the government of New Zealand realized as well that there
are a lot of people misrepresenting themselves so what did government of New
Zealand it especially the Immigration Department they started publishing the
visa approval success rate data of all these people of all these agents
especially from India and Philippines who are sending ten or more student visa
applications to them so if you go to the Immigration Department website which
is immigration or and if you go to the search box and type agent performance
you will all lists come up and there are some Excel sheets there so there is
data for India and there is data for Philippines as well because we are bulk of
our students come from India although we are a New Zealand based company
because bulk of our students are based in India we are under the India list so
if you read through that it will tell you exactly which slab of agents we are
in and what is our a success percentage so our last published success
percentage Brandi is 91% and we're going to wait to see how we improve this
year but this year our numbers have gone quite significantly so last year we
had in a particular number of students which was between 101 to 200 but this
year we're absolutely positive that we are going to do between 201 to 500 so because
the numbers are going up we need to work very hard to maintain that success
rate as well that is the reason we have such a wonderful thoroughbred team of
people which includes licensed advisors and ex immigration officers and I
started this session by announcing three more well awesome colleagues are going
to join our team and that's exactly what it's all about can you guys see how it
all fits together for AJV first and foremost you have really committed and professional
people advising you and after you land here there's a really committed team
that's going to take care of you till you reach your end goal so that's the
those are the latest statistics.
I want to talk to you sir for some information about of your course that what is this . Can you talk to me sir . Of you give me some time for knowledge sir . I 'm Rajan chaudhary from India . I have some skill with experience . If you want to talk to me ggen you can call me thus no 7987821791.