Job regarding construction will I get it in Invercargill or have to move?

Job regarding construction will I get it in Invercargill or have to move?

Ans : Very difficult to predict hope because you know Invercargill also is getting having a favorite of growth in the insulin is growing everywhere from top to bottom in fact the time to build one of the largest I think shopping centers in Invercargill so I believe you will have an opportunity anywhere but again now I don't think there is any restriction on you after you complete your course and you get here post study work visa to move for any other city you can possibly end up in Christchurch which is where still a lot of requirement for construction professionals are still happening all right so don't worry too much about the future I mean that's the other problem is which I've noticed for working with international students is you guys and girls look too far ahead into the future and sometimes but inland that far I hate it's like we try and restrict here and predict whether AJV global will be the world's greatest education and migration component ten years I don't know but I'll work my bloody butt off to make sure we get there so that should be the attitude it does not weather will it will because I'll have to sit and work I'll have to strategist well I have to work with my team will have to motivate them I'll have to continue to provide good services to a point so that's what it is a step by step process we can sit and predict what's going to happen but to answer your question you can absolutely shift on event Invercargill if you think it doesn't provide for purchases construction once you get your post study work visa you're free to go to anywhere in your school and pick up a job.
