Looking for assisted in immigration for the skill migrant?

I'm looking for assisted in immigration for the skill migrant?

Ans : If you're suggesting that you already did them to us and nobody has responded back I'm not sure what you're alluding to but if you have already sent us your CV's yes well one of us one of our licensed advisers will definitely come back to you with an assessment I can tell you though I mean unless until you have an employment here in New Zealand or you have an offer of employment here in New Zealand it is almost impossible to get direct skilled migration and which is why we strongly advocate the study classical pathway especially for couples it's been working really well they're one of the few one member from the couple comes to study and the other spouse comes own a full-fledged work visa and a lot of our clients in the disc particular combination of her husband wife have come in and you know either the wife is studying or the husband is studying and the other person who's got a good chance of picking up a job has gone into the job market and picked up a job and they've been a lot of successes for us in this particular thing so which is why direct skills migration is almost impossible at this stage because the government wing the rules some time ago and so because of that I would say continue talk to us one of our team members will give you a call I can tell you right now that unless until you do already have a job offer or are you working in New Zealand it is almost impossible for you to directly get a skilled migration there is a possibility you might get something called the skilled migrant get it did a job search visa if you get there 160 points and you also you know you get the 160 points required to be picked from the pool then you could potentially get something called a job search visa which will allow you to come into New Zealand and look for a job and once you find the job then your full-scale migrant category process gets done and you get residency but because it's a little dicey that particular thing and you're not sure and they do not allow a family to accompany you during the job search visa period and stuff like that so I would strongly  recommend look at the other aspect of possibly coming here maybe your response coming as a student and you coming on a full workup is earned it can be earning from day one and also go out and find the job and apply for residency.
