is the scope for job opportunity for highway engineering in New Zealand?
Ans : I
just made the head of the New Zealand instead of highway technology I call them
in fact to my office and we had a wonderful interaction so his name is Matthew
and so Matthew came over and so we had a chat and Matthew myself and Mary and
Virginia my colleagues we all had a nice chat and there's always been a lot of
time and he's only today he may be back saying it was nice to meet you and your
team and who kind of work you guys are doing with the Scot with the students so
the scope is very good I actually was asking Matthew very pointed questions
about what is the outcome for jobs and all that and I think they said about 80%
of the graduates are getting employed after completing this course so
definitely very good course to choose from the requirement for workers in this particular
field of infrastructure and construction in New Zealand is so high did the
government even has come up with a whole new skill shortage list called the
construction and infrastructure skill shortage list so that's you know that's
pretty strong as an indicator that there is a pretty massive requirement for
people who are completing courses and you know highway engineering in those
sorts of infrastructure related courses so yeah definitely good choice for your
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