Want to apply for New Zealand entrepreneur visa?

Want to apply for New Zealand entrepreneur visa anticlines prepare for the entrepreneur visa applications please let me know I'm from India?

Ans : Of course we help our clients with every kind of visa because you know as an organization we are looking at practically every aspect of the migration process to New Zealand perhaps the one area that we are not doing at moment is refugees because that's again a very specialized thing and so we are not doing refugees cases at the moment but yeah we are absolutely good to go with any other kind of visa and entrepreneur visa is a good one go to my YouTube channel  and search for the pathway to migration to New Zealand through the entrepreneur we thought there's a good reason video I have which gives you the basics of the whole thing and what I recommend people who want to come to contra through an entrepreneur visa to New Zealand is to book a session with the a Skype session or a phone session where we can I can spend whatever however long it takes talking to you and giving you my time and my attention and understanding exactly whether it is viable for you or not because the entrepreneur visa is not a very easy category and we you know it requires a lot of doing and so before you end up investing a lot of money time and effort into it we recommend that you spend up small amount of money like 300 New Zealand dollars and book a session with me where I can then you know as a paid client I can spend a lot of time with you and ask you lots of questions about your background and do an analysis and see whether you can actually come through this entrepreneur visa if that does not work out what are the other options so I can give you a very personalized kind of solution but yes we as a country we would love to invite entrepreneurs continuously Linda we want entrepreneurs we want investors we want students we want skill migraines we want people with essential skills to be our worker so we require all kinds of people here in this country so yeah and as a company AJV also does work with entrepreneur with us as well so yeah I'd say because you've shaved your number will you share some details about how we can book a session with me if you want to go ahead would be happy to do that.
