What about Bachelors of information technology is there any future?

What about Bachelors of information technology please share your thoughts on this is there any future?

Ans : You are again choosing elderly the advantage is doing a bachelor's in information technology in New Zealand first and foremost IT is again in our skill shortage area so we are trying very hard to attract IT background people into our country it is not only in a skill shortage area but IT is also in our identified future growth area which means the government is consciously trying to you know encourage these particular industries in New Zealand so definitely good from with this particular angles and the beauty of knowing a bachelor is that you will spend three whole years in New Zealand as a student where you'll be studying and as well as doing part time work and after you do that you'll get a further three years of post-study  work visa because you're going to be doing a bachelor's course so definitely a six long years in New Zealand and a subject area which is in our long term skill shortage in our list and absolutely and you know from just the way you've written your question I can see your English is quite good so all these combinations.
