is conversion rate of study to PR visa also is 48 suitable for study?
Ans : So
the according to the last statistics world I think about 19% of international students
we're moving from student visa towards eventual residency so that was about how
much and bear in mind New Zealand gets about 130 or thousand international
students every year so it's a small number you know when you take 19% of our
offer 130 I think we are looking at approximately 30,000 people which isn't a
small limit that's a good number interesting fact is that our students AJV
students I think are way about 50 percent or 60 percent because we are still
doing that exercise to see how many of our students have actually finished
their course and then gotten into a job and then moved on into a residency and
we are still compiling data at the moment but I am super confident that more
than 60 or 70 percent of our students are acquiring that's because you know
we're picking the right people we are not selling any false dreams and then we
are providing them with the right support especially free immigration advice
after they come to New Zealand that's why our success rate is so very high so
that is the 8% of our own end is age 40 suitable for study absolutely if you're
in good health you have to do it now because if you wait longer I don't think
you will have the motivation or the inclination to do it do it now and you will
still enjoy the next 20 of your slide of your life and your family's life and a
beautiful country like New Zealand.
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