Best university for tourism in New Zealand?

Best university for tourism in New Zealand?

Ans : Quite a lot of them actually have courses in tourism I don't know at what level you're looking at by looking at a bachelor's are you looking at a master try and looking at a post graduate diploma are you looking at a graduate diploma I don't know what level here because there are besides universities look there are also certain institutions which are specifically aimed only at tourism and hospitality so those for all you know there might be a better fit for you so yeah we will need to know more details thanks for sharing your number our team will get in touch with you but we have quite a few universities providing courses in tourism and some specialist schools as well which deal only with tourism and nothing else so they're kind of super specializing only in tourism so once we get more information from your we'll pick all those different options because we also need to know at what level you are intending to come so based on that they'll be able to give you an option.
