Details about prospect of PhD job in public health and PR in New Zealand?

I'm a Government medical doctor of ten years’ experience not today MPH in global health security universities solved South Korea please tell me about prospect of PhD job in public health and PR in New Zealand?

Ans : A good background now you obviously have a lot of experience ten years and you already have completed your row medicine and you're doing your masters of Public Health from you know Korea which of course is also good country and it's got a very high standard of academics as well so good background overall scope for PhD in New Zealand will be very good because we are also trying to attract PhD in our students into New Zealand because we want to have created a soft knowledge power kind of a base here in New Zealand because we're not big into manufacturing and so on and so forth so our identified future growth areas are software you know ICT and creative industries and the you know biotechnology so we're trying to create that soft power so to speak and so you know we have one researchers we want to create that good knowledge economy here in New Zealand so and in fact I want you to go to my channel on YouTube just go to YouTube and type Arun Jacob and it should be able to see my channel there and go and see one of the most popular videos they're called the advantages of doing a PhD in New Zealand it explains all the advantages of what you can get and you know if you're coming with your spouse and so on and so forth then what are the advantages they'll have yeah definitely and I think with your kind of background and the kind of if you do a PhD here in New Zealand it will also I think jobs should be you know quite I think for somebody with your kind of background it shouldn't be too much of a problem can you get PR in New Zealand directly not possible because there are two rules that you need there are two boxes rather and one of them has to be ticked box number one says that you need to have an offer of a job in New Zealand or should already be employed in New Zealand so you need to tick that box or you should have studied in New Zealand for at least two years and completed a masters or a PhD so one of these two boxes needs to be take plus you also need to get a hundred and sixty points which was you know a kind of a combination of your age your qualification your background in a way you were which industry you bought three so the PR is and to get a job in New Zealand when you're not here is almost impossible so the first box it cannot think so the only other box you can take is the common study in New Zealand either come and do a course here and if you do it doesn't have to be a PhD even if you do a post graduate diploma in New Zealand or above which is post graduate diploma or masters or a PhD you will end up with three a post study work visa in those three years if you find the job then you will pick that first box and you'll be able to apply for your PR so it's all a little people think it's very easy to come and study and get a PR in New Zealand it is not and that is the reason we have set up AJV because and that's where we are kind of being very you know conscious of what is it that the international student really requires and that's what we guys are doing we are listening to you and understanding units and what giving you that advice at each and every step which I to the best of my knowledge no other company is doing at this moment.
