My visa
application declined please guide me?
Ans : First
and foremost here in very sorry to hear that your we forgot it line it's quite
a rare occurrence because we have a very high percentage of success but not
100% unfortunately so there is about you know five to ten percent of people who
some and it could be for various reasons you know sometimes it could be because
of the visa interview some students end up feeling a little nervous during that
interview and are not able to answer as confidently as they can so now but what
my team has told me is that that your visa was declined after an interview and we
and you're already in touch with our team leader as well who herself is an ex immigration
officer by the way and now is a licensed immigration adviser and they are
trying to send a request to get all the information of that interview that was
conducted so that's what they are doing right now my team is working on it
right now here in they have given me the update so what we do when there is a
decline is because we don't like it either here is because we put a lot of lot
of lot of effort to pick right people and good people like you to work with you
and you know we're doing this so diligently so honestly not one of our students
would have put in any document which is not authentic so we are truly fighting
for New Zealand but sometimes New Zealand fights back as well so you know
that's our conundrum sometimes but so because we believe in you and that's why
we take up your case my team is already going to launch a request to get the
transcript of the interview to see what were the questions asked and have your
answered and based on that we are going to refine your application please do
not worry we will fight for it truth in an if it means that I have to sit on your
file as I'll said already file but don't worry about it but we have a beautiful
team of people.
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