visa application has been allocated to a case officer however my children's
applications as my dependents are still in the queue we filed as a group is the
concerned the visa I have applied for partner is of student work visa?
Ans : Absolutely
not I mean because by and large the two primary visas in a group would be the
student and the partner because by and large children in theory nor don't have
legal issues they hardly ever have health issue so the children practically if
mom and dad get their visas pretty much by default are the students the kids
will get it unless until you know they find something critical in the medical reports
or something like that but yeah by and large you know it's not a concern at all
not being allocated is also not a concern at this point because if your case
has been allocated and if your case gets decided very quickly then it's only a
matter of a couple of days because like I said as children's visa don't really
take a lot of time from my experience 15 years in the industry I've noticed
that you know once the dependent partners visa is approved then very quickly
the children's services are approved and you know a touch-wood but so far we've
never ever had any concern with any of the children visa these applications
that we have you know kind of put
forward to immigration New Zealand so absolutely not a concern so if your
application is and once yours is decided you know the immigration itself will
know through their system that you know there are two more dependent children
who are also tag to your visa application so they'll pull it out quickly out of
the queue and out of term they will allocate it to somebody and you know once your
sis decided we would also have the legitimate good legitimate strong raising to
get in touch with immigration and request them to you know get your students
one as well and that's the video working with a company like AJV because you
know we are very thorough with the work we do and you know we have maintained a
very cordial and very professional relationship with Immigration New Zealand
for many years and I'm sure they you know respect the work we do and so when we
reach out to them they're always you know quite accommodating and they say yeah
we understand in a moment that have got the visa so why not take it so absolutely
nothing to worry about so now then I hope to see your beautiful family herein
New Zealand sir alright continue to stay in touch with the AJV team.
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