Would like to know the current timeline for visa approval?

 Would like to know the current timeline for visa approval I'm currently waiting offer from the University for masters in construction management?

Ans : Fantastic course well done very well that it's we are quite desperately short of people in the construction industry and you know if you're coming for masters in construction management I think you will definitely go on to address some of our skilled migrant needs here in New Zealand so very good course choice and I'm sure you know it was the chosen a good University timelines I think it has come down quite well quite nicely now because there was a bit of a crisis a few months ago with immigration New Zealand rearranging some of their offices and there was also a shortage of staff so they kind of had to recruit people on a war footing but I was recently I recently received a circular from immigration New Zealand where it said that they have worked diligently to bring down the time it's taking to allocate an application and I think they brought it down to two weeks which is fantastic so yeah don't think it will take it too long I'd say maybe four week four weeks or how long it might take but again I don't want to over commit so be prepared mentally for at least of four to twelve week kind of a way and especially if there is a spouse and kids involved you know it might take that amount of time but if you just a single guy and you're applying for a visa I'd say four to twelve weeks it  should  happen alright so and if you're coming for the February intake I think you're starting doing this moment because they'll have a lot of time to be able to process the whole thing alright well done buddy.
