Level 8 or 9 people can't get PR easy compared to level 7? Is this true?

Coming to NZ on July intake for level 7 GD in NMIT you're telling in this video that level 8 or 9 people can't get PR easy compared to level seven so it's very hard for to make for PR even if I make the score with job with the required Salary it's hard to give it?

Ans: No not at all love the key it is finding that job if you are able to find that relevant job and you are able to get that proper job then you will more than likely get the required number of points so don't worry about level 7-8-9 don't worry and we are there continuously talking to you even after you reach New Zealand so don't worry I think your concern is unfounded level seven level eight level nine doesn't matter it is whether you found a relevant job and if you're getting the required number of points here.
