Delays in visa for New Zealand?

As I received interview call an approval email in less than a month after launching the visa application which wasn't expected considering visa delays?

Ans : Absolutely I mean you should feel lucky because if you look at YouTube and Facebook it's filling with people screaming and tearing their hair and their cloth saying oh my visa is still not coming through between months and months inside file but it's not coming so it could be a few factors there first and foremost to be let's give kudos to immigration New Zealand because they got stuck in a very bad place when there was a sudden surge of applications and it not they were also restructuring at the same time but looks like that brought on additional forces and brought on people and train them and kind of managing the situation quite nicely now that could be one factor so big right on the back to immigration give Zealand for kind of getting back into the kind of pace at which they used to work before second it could just be your individual profile because at the end of the day what is immigration New Zealand dare to do is to pick and choose the right people who are genuine students who have clear fans who have the right intention who have the correct English and who have the sincerity of purpose and the correct academic and well correct record so that's really what so obviously you take all the boxes and third factor and I don't want to sound boastful here could also be the kind of company or agency that file your application which in this case is a AJV because you know we have maintained a very good track record with immigration New Zealand and in fact I met some very senior officers and immigration using them and I told them saying that hey look we are part of your team in sensor that we are working for exactly the same agenda as you which is to bring in good quality high standard high quality international students into New Zealand and then help them when their entire journey if some of them want to study and go back home so be it we will gladly help them with that some of them want to study and find jobs and eventually move into residency we are happy to help them with that and that's exactly why you know I think immigration New Zealand also you know understands that AJV is not somebody pulling in the other direction and we have a zero tolerance as a company for fraudulent documents or people with the wrong intentions or fake financial documents and so on so we do exactly the same work that the immigration New Zealanders and over a period of time they will of course to get our track record as well and say I look these guys are actually you know kind of working as our support system but outside the department so eventually they will realize that we are team members also pulling in the same direction so yeah could be a mix of all this factors
