Accommodation for a week in Hamilton?

Accommodation for a week in Hamilton?

Ans : It could start from $100 per week it could go up to you know one print depends on what level of spending you're willing to do if you take up the university accommodation most likely I think it's around the 150-160 range and you know otherwise you can one hundred and fifty dollars four hundred and sixty dollars per week this is all right here it most of the rents are paid in weekend but you know if you meet somebody who's got a smaller slightly smaller room and maybe they're not fully furnished but it also depends on how furnished set room is and where the internet is included in it and all those kinds of things come in so it can vary between one hundred four hundred and fifty but you know like I said back if your visa is already filed and waiting for your interview call you may not get ready to become as soon as your visa is approved our team in India will connect you to our onshore team member Anjana who will then do a Skype call with you and take you through all the things that you need to look at all.
